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Showing posts with label coping with grief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coping with grief. Show all posts

25 January 2025

20 Years Today

20 years!!! That's how long it has been since you walked out our door, kissed me goodbye, and promised to see me later. You never did. 

That night 20 years ago, you went out with Philip Lam and his friend, Dr. Farouk Lu, for what was supposed to be an ordinary boys' night out. It should have been nothing more than laughter, stories, camaraderie. But none of you came back.


For years, the details of that night were shrouded in mystery, whispers and silence. Then, piece by piece, the truth began to emerge. According to accounts, Philip Lam was targeted because of a business rivalry- nothing more than a general merchandise store, NOT DRUGS OR CRIME. You and Dr. Lu were nothing more than "collateral damage." The lives of good, innocent men reduced to a cold, heartless term.

How can someone's life, someone's love, be reduced to two cold, empty words? How can anyone justify taking three lives as if they were nothing, as if their laughter, their dreams, their families didn't matter?

I remember pleading for James' life, begging for his safe return. In my desperation, I made a promise to stay silent if only they would let him come back to us alive. But silence didn't save him. It didn't save any of them. And here I am, two decades later, still waiting for the truth, for answers, for justice. 

They tell you time heals all wounds, BUT THAT'S A LIE! Time doesn't heal wounds like this. Time only deepens the ache of knowing that those responsible walk free, that promises of justice remain empty, that the world continues to turn as if their lives didn't matter. But they mattered. JAMES MATTERED.

It doesn't dull the ache of an empty chair at the dinner table. It doesn't soften the weight of unanswered questions or the LONGING OF ONE MORE EMBRACE, ONE MORE SMILE, ONE MORE MOMENT. Time doesn't heal when justice is denied. 

For 20 years, I've been WAITING. WATCHING. HOPING. Everyday, I've held onto the belief that someday, the truth would fully emerge, that someone, somewhere, would care enough to bring justice for James, Philip and Dr. Farouk. The prescription period may have passed, but God's promise to me has not.

I have not forgotten. I can't forget. And I won't stop telling this story because their lives deserve more than silence.

James was not just collateral damage. He was my first love and childhood sweetheart for 11 years, my husband for another 11 years, and the father of my three children. He was kind, generous to a fault, and full of life. In fact, that year in 2005, we planned a grand celebration - for the first time in his life- of a birthday party in September - his 40th. But alas, we lost him in January

To those who think time erases accountability, I want you to know: JUSTICE HAS NO EXPIRATION IN THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO LOVE. I will keep remembering. I will keep speaking his name - JAMES LAO YAP - until the world recognizes and remembers what was taken from us. 

A pocketful of sunshine and 

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13 November 2024

The Waiting Grief


Image credit: sun_art

The truth may take time, but it will eventually come, as long as you keep your heart open to it.

There is a grief that never quiets,

not with time, not with tears.

It sits like stone within the heart,

waiting patiently for years.

A life left empty, words unspoken,

truths that hide behind the dark.

I carry memories, frayed and broken,

and bear this hollow, aching mark.

They call it “moving on”—but I remain

rooted in moments left unclear.

Though I’ve forgiven, though I’ve grown,

the echo of injustice lingers here.

I wait for answers, watch and listen,

as shadows shift, as truths arise.

For what goes around returns again,

and all that’s hidden meets the light.

There’s no revenge in this quiet strength,

no joy in watching others fall.

Only a hope that peace will come,

and lay its hands upon us all.

A pocketful of sunshine and 

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10 November 2013

Of Loss and Regrets… and Getting Through...

“I do not know anymore…” 

This was not a line from Janet Napoles during the Senate Hearing for PDAF Scam but from a colleague/very close friend of mine who is grieving the sudden and unexpected loss of his wife. 42 years of marriage and suddenly he is alone. 

“I should have been kinder…” 

“I should have treated her better…” 

But then, looking back now I cannot imagine what “kinder” and “better” could he have done considering that he was such a kind, devoted, loving companion to his then-frail wife.

Of course, I know where he’s coming from. There will always be regrets. There will always be words that were left unsaid and intentions that were left undone. We can never have enough time to show enough love. 

How do you make the most of your time with your loved ones? How do you make each moment count? I wish I have the answers for him. But after 9 years of coping with my own loss, the same “regrets” still haunt me… 

“I should have…” 

“I could have…”

“Why didn’t I…???"

As I have painfully learned in my own journey, one never gets over grief. You just learn to get through it…

A pocketful of sunshine and 

Image credit: www.memorialize.com

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02 November 2013

Flowers to Show our Love

After the traditional visit at the cemetery on the 1st of November, my children and I proceeded to Sta. Ana Wharf. It was too late to get a small boat to take us out to sea. The waves were too strong.

As we walked to the shore, the sound of the waves filled the air of silence between us. Raging waters threatened to drench our feet but we were unmindful. We were there for a reason.

Each whispering a prayer for James, my children and I took turns throwing flowers and loose petals into the sea. We had a bag full of them, you see.

The wind roared loudly... The sky turned gloomy… The waves raged to shore… Perhaps heaven heard us.

Time may have eased the pain and helped us mend the broken pieces of our fragile lives but… We still cope with grief one day at a time until now… even after almost 9 long years.

A pocketful of sunshine

Image source: China Central Television

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26 January 2011

Transition (Sensational Haiku Wednesday)

life-changing events
can turn our lives upside down...
an interim phase

a fork in the road
life is unexpectedly
marred and disrupted...

it's a chance to learn
and an opportunity
to assess life goals...

a temporary
setback to let us find the
right track meant for us...

© Bing (PinkLady) 2011

Next week's theme: Disclosure
Image courtesy: Link

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11 September 2010

Happy Birthday James

James Yap, September 11, 1965- January 2005
James, your light shines on through our three children. 
They are my greatest treasure. 
Thank you so much for everything!

Had James been alive, he would have turned 45 today. We may have moved on but we have not forgotten. He will always be in our hearts. And we will forever be grateful for all the memories he left behind.

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04 December 2009

His Bike Is His Passion

When my son first asked my permission to join the Bike for Peace, I said NO. He did mention that it was going to cover the distance of 30 kilometers and that immediately sent my heart racing. My only question was, "are you going to use the highway?" He answered "yes" so I said "no!" mltan100.blogspot.com

When I asked that question, his initial reaction was something like "duh!" Lol! It was a stupid question after all and he knew where it was leading to. He eventually shrugged his shoulder and retreated to his room. mltan100.blogspot.com

Feeling guilty about it, I summoned him back and asked realistic (albeit more appropriate) questions like who he was biking with, what time would he leave and what time would I expect him back. His answers didn't make sense to me but at that point, I only needed a basis to reconsider my first decision. I knew how important his biking is to him and this was his first time to join a group of serious bikers.

So on November 30 (Monday, a holiday here), he left our house at 6:00 a.m. which is his usual time to go biking on weekends and holidays. As the hours passed, I had to fight the urge to send him sms asking where he was. Do you have any idea how hard it was to stop myself from worrying that morning?

I was so relieved to see him home before noon.mltan100.blogspot.com

Before I could speak though, he proudly showed me his certificate. As I read it, I couldn't help but beam with pride.

"The bearer has proven endurance for the cause of harmony, peace and progress in our country."

It finally made sense to me. He did mention "Bike for Peace" when he asked permission but I guess I wasn't really listening. Neither did I equate or associate it with the cause that everyone here is clamoring and fighting for now. After all, he is just a 15-year-old kid.

But even 15 year olds have their own opinion. The children have seen on the news how almost 60 people have been brutally killed. My own son believes that justice has been denied to us when his father met his untimely end almost 5 years ago. This has got to stop, he said. What better way to express it than joining an activity closest to his heart! I guess this is his own little way of helping, not us, but those whose lives (and families) stand to be spared if the injustice around us finally stops.

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11 November 2009

It's Not Your Fault...

Her letter read: "I'm sorry... I just can't take it anymore..."

And just like that, she took her life. Her pain may have ended. Her sleepless nights may have also ended. But then, her bereaved children's nightmare has just begun.

"Why?" Her children asked. For them, this was their mother-- a strong-willed woman who showed no trace of weakness at all in her entire life. A survivor. A real fighter. A winner. She was always in control... even of their lives. She had everything that money could buy. They all thought that she could handle everything. Now they are haunted by "why's" and have no way of knowing what went on in her mind.

Coping with death in the family is one of life's most challenging trials. But when a loved one commits suicide, the family does not only experience profound grief because of the sudden loss but the overwhelming feelings of incomprehension, blame and anger are added to their suffering.

It does not end there though. They then start to feel isolated and judged by their friends and colleagues. The stigma, whether imagined or not, may cause them to withdraw in order to protect themselves from intrusive and difficult questions as well as disparaging remarks.

Right now, I wish I have the right words to comfort my friend who lost her mother. I know that she has not told her son the truth about his grandmother's death. She wanted him to remember his grandmother as the exuberant, positive person that she was.

My friend, at this point in time, there is no right or wrong and there are no rules in dealing and coping with your grief. Let me assure you though that IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Whatever drove your mother to commit suicide, you had nothing to do with it. I can feel your pain and confusion. I can feel your anger. You are entitled to feel that way. After all, this tragedy has thrown all your emotions into turmoil.

No, you couldn't have prevented it. A person who is determined to commit suicide is likely to accomplish it. Perhaps what is best now is to learn how to accept this. She is gone so she can't be helped anymore. But you... you have to get on with your life. For your family's sake. For your own sake.

When you are ready to talk about it, you know that I am here for you.mltan100.blogspot.com

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