A Powerful Prayer That Was Meant To Be Shared
"My soul is overwhelmed with
sorrow to the point of death."
sorrow to the point of death."
It all begins with a question. It all begins with an unquenchable thirst, an insatiable hunger. You begin to feel that there is something more than what meets the eye. You want to know. You want to find out.
You start asking: "What is the meaning of my life?" "What am I here for?" "Why am I doing this?"
My own journey began when I was fresh out of college. At a time when I had everything, I was so discontented. My heart yearned for more and yet, I had no idea at all what I was looking for.
Let me explain something here. I was never really religious although I made every effort to be a good Christian. I can't even recite an entire verse from the Bible until now like some people do. Although I was raised a Catholic and spent 10 years of my life in an exclusive Catholic school ran by nuns, I associated Bible reading with grueling graded recitations, quizzes and exams on Religion and Christian Living.
When I began having a recurring nightmare- where I would feel I was floating on air and saw my sleeping body right below me which always freaked me out, of course- my Mom placed a Bible and a rosary on my bedside.
There I was, in my early 20's and feeling so lost, opening the Bible again and discovering for the first time that some of my feelings of inadequacy were alleviated by short verses and passages. Soon after, I began keeping a journal of verses that struck me and wrote my own reflections on them. It was a difficult period in my life. The confusion overwhelmed me. But I still had no idea where it was coming from. I was desperate to take control of my life and my mind again.
It was in one of those nights that I was led to this prayer. I opened the Bible and there it was in front of me. When I read it, I felt a twitch in my heart. I knew it was meant for me. I read it over and over again until I memorized every single word by heart. It goes like this:
"My Father, if it is possible,
may this cup be taken from me.
Yet not as I will,
but as YOU will."
Matthew 26:39, NIV
may this cup be taken from me.
Yet not as I will,
but as YOU will."
Matthew 26:39, NIV
This was the prayer that Jesus recited in the Garden of Gethsemane (the Mount of Olives) on the night that he was betrayed. He was downcast and troubled and admitted to his disciples that: "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death."
He then went on to pray a second time:
"My Father, if it is not possible
for this cup to be taken away
UNLESS I drink it,
may Your will be done."
for this cup to be taken away
UNLESS I drink it,
may Your will be done."
I wish I can enumerate to you all the miracles that this prayer has done for me. When James went missing, I suffered from severe post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) but could not take any of my medicines (anti-depressants and sleeping pills) because I had to stay up and alert all the time. Every time those debilitating panic attacks, flashbacks and nightmares came, every time a "voice" popped up telling me to end it all-- I paused for a moment to say this prayer until I calmed down. When my Dad had a stroke and was given a slim chance to survive before Christmas in 2007, I held his hand and quietly repeated the same prayer out of desperation. My Dad survived and continues to be a source of strength and inspiration for me and my kids.
They say that nothing happens by accident. This prayer may have seemed so plain and simple when I first came across it. Never in my wildest dream did I imagine that it would someday save my life and my sanity (that's almost two decades later).
I kept this to myself for far too long. Not that this was a secret. But I really never felt the urge to share it with anyone else until I came across Angela of Here and Now~*~4Angel~*~. That's when I realized that there are more people out there who are in a darker place than I was before.
I am no hypocrite. I don't aspire to be a preacher or a church leader (I have great respect and admiration for these people who give so much of themselves to others). I must admit I still don't go to church as often as I should. Heck, I don't even remember when was the last time I went. I don't open the Bible everyday and I have not written on my journal for ages. But I know now that this prayer should not stay with me. This was meant to be shared. I guess my blog is no coincidence after all.
You don't have to be a Catholic, Protestant or Christian to say this prayer. You can change some words, if you must, to suit your own personal belief. But believe in its power to change your life. I am not saying that this is a cure-all or overnight remedy to your woes. It won't resurrect the dead or bring you the impossible. It did not bring back James to us. Neither did it change the circumstances of my life.
However, it DID give me calmness in the midst of chaos, clarity amidst great confusion, gratitude despite of emptiness, relief from a deep searing pain, a forgiving heart in the face of injustice.
This is a prayer for you-- for acceptance, for calmness, for healing, for peace within yourself. It is an armor against your greatest fears and sorrows. Remember, if it worked for Jesus then it must also work for all of us. Again, this is for ACCEPTANCE, HEALING and PEACE within you. Say it like a mantra. Say it over and over again. And mean it from the bottom of your heart. What have you got to lose anyway?
Blessings to all
Oh, Bing, thank you so much for this. What a wonderful prayer to say, and it is so simple that it is something that I can always have with me. I'm not particularly religious, but I do believe in God. I need to turn to Him more often. You always have such wisdom, and for that I am so grateful.
Much love and hugs,
I wrote this for you Angela. I'm so glad you dropped by to read it. He is just waiting for you to seek and ask for help.
As I said, I'm not also religious. But faith took on a different meaning when I went through the test myself.
I kept this prayer to myself for so many years and now it's time to share. You opened my eyes to that. And I thank you in return.
God bless!
Thank you for sharing this with us, Bing.
Simply wonderful Bing. What a sweet and generous thing to do for Angel and all of us.
I just love Angel to death.
Blessings dear new friend and also sister in Christ!
Hi Bing,
This is such a moving post, I truly believe you are an angel on earth to help those in their darkest hours, and you are right, this is a prayer to be shared and in doing so, you have inspired all of us, and given us a tool to cope. Angela is so brave to share her journey. Who knows how many others it will do the same for. As Kimmy always say's and I feel I need to say to you tonight
Love and Light,
Janet :)
Susan, I am glad to know that the prayer has touched you.
Jackie, the first time I read Angela's blog, my heart went out to her. Like you, I wanted to reach out to our dear friend to assure her that everything's going to be alright. But I didn't know how. It was in one of her posts that I first shared this prayer with her. When she attempted to commit suicide again (thank God she survived that) I felt that I have to emphasize to her the power of this prayer. I guess the right time has come.
After all, there is no such thing as coincidence. NOW is the best time to share the prayer not only with Angela but with everyone else.
Thank you for appreciating it.
Blessings to you!
Janet, I never understood the power of this prayer when I first came across it. I guess if things were different in my life, I wouldn't even have appreciated it myself. But tragedy happened and I got stuck in a rut for awhile. There were times when I said this prayer mechanically, like it was a poem in my mind... but eventually I noticed that it made me feel much better. Every single day of what appeared to be a pathetic existence started to take a different meaning.
I hope that everyone who reads this post will accept this prayer into their lives. I also pray that more people will be able to discover this prayer through this blog.
Much Love and Light to you too, Janet!
Hi Bing, your post moved me. You are so unselfish to share something so personal and special.
I am a Catholic myself and always believe that wherever you are, as long as you have God in your mind and heart, He sees and hears you. Not a regular church-goer does not make you any lesser of a good Christian.
I am also a believer in the Law of Attraction which states 'belief and ask, you will be given'. When we have clarity of our intentions with encouraged feelings, God will hear it and rearrange the universe to bring our requests to us in ways He sees best.
"God will help those who help themselves." So, we have to take the first step to seek God with our clear intentions, and He will shed light on the right path.
God bless you all!
This is a wonderful prayer. There are so many verses in the Book of Psalms that are prayers of people crying out to God. Try to read them and make them as prayers.
Wenny, it is indeed faith that matters most. Ask and it shall be given. In my case, I sought light and the sun came shining through again.
Thank you for the lovely comment.
Much Love!
Bingkee, I have written a post on Psalms- "Praising in Desperation." Those verses proved to be powerful during my darkest hours.
Thanks for dropping by again.
Blessings to you!
What a beautiful post! I love how you can always express yourself so clearly.
I see prayer as our tool to get closer to the Divine... our "religion" doesn't matter as much as our "intent". To love more deeply, and accept more fully.
You are such a bright light in my life right now, thank you.
Thank you Kara. You have also helped me in so many ways.
Prayer has always been a powerful tool. And it was through my own personal journey that I was able to develop a closer relationship with God.
This prayer's message is simple: Let God's Will Be Done. It is only by surrendering that we get hold of our lives again. I guess this has also been the message of my blog all along.
We have to believe and keep the faith. Things always happen for a reason.
Blessings and Much Love,
Bing (",)
Thank you for your comment and your inspirational mind
Hi Levi, thank you for following my blog.
Blessings to you!
The power of prayer is amazing . . . when I am at my lowest, faith and courage from praying magically takes over.
Big hugs . . . Gina
Hi Gina... HE never lets us down. We only need to ask for HIS help.
God bless you!
Bing, you certainly are a compassionate Blogger.
Thank you so much for sharing, many of your words resonated with me. God always gives us a word in season, after all, He knows our needs and He did tells us to ask!
WE just need to trust Him, in the middle of our storms.
Your post was so encouraging. I am delighted, that I followed you over from Pushhyyarag’s blog, I will visit you again, for more refreshing thoughts.
May God Bless and favour, you and your family.
hi carole... i am so glad that you found this old post of mine. it was meant to be shared and perhaps you came across this prayer at a time when you need it most. nothing happens by coincidence. just keep on believing. :)
blessings to you!
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