If God brought you to it,
He will get you through it.
Showing posts with label moving on. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moving on. Show all posts

05 November 2024

Finding Peace in Your Soul

In our fast-paced, ever-demanding world, finding peace within ourselves is often easier said than done. Yet, soul-deep peace is essential for true well-being and resilience. It’s more than a fleeting moment of calm; it’s a state of acceptance, a balance between what we’ve endured and where we are headed.

The journey to inner peace often begins with letting go—of expectations, regrets, and past hurts. It’s about accepting the things we cannot change and releasing the weight of past events that no longer serve us. This doesn’t mean forgetting; it means finding strength in what we’ve survived and recognizing that every challenge has shaped us.

Embracing the present is the next step. When we’re constantly thinking about what has been or what could be, we miss out on what is. Peace is rooted in this moment—the breath we take, the beauty we notice, the gratitude we feel. It’s in the small, simple joys that life offers every day.

Finally, trusting that things happen for a reason allows us to rest in a sense of purpose, even when things don’t make sense immediately. Peace isn’t the absence of pain or struggle; it’s the quiet assurance that, whatever comes, we have the strength to face it.

True peace is a journey, a choice we make daily. It’s a gift we give to ourselves and, ultimately, to those around us. Embrace the journey, find your peace, and let it shine through every part of your life.

A pocketful of sunshine and 

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20 October 2024

Moving Forward

Learning resilience and forgiveness after facing injustice and tragedy can feel like an overwhelming journey. 

Resilience comes from enduring hardships, finding ways to rebuild, and drawing strength from the pain. It’s not just about surviving but also adapting, growing, and finding hope again despite the emotional scars.

Forgiveness, on the other hand, can be even more challenging. It doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing the wrong done. Instead, it’s about releasing the hold that bitterness and anger can have over your heart. It’s a step toward healing, allowing you to regain control over your emotional well-being.

Both resilience and forgiveness require time, self-reflection, and a commitment to growth. Embracing them allows you to move forward without letting the tragedy define your future.

A pocketful of sunshine and 

Related post:

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06 December 2010

Believe It Or Not

set me free
from all the rules
you have made 
for yourselves
i'm no longer
part of it
accept i'm gone
you have no hold
on me anymore
for so many years 
you ruled my life
i was scared
i was blind
your traditions 
dictated my world
back then 
i had no choice
now i have 
my life
you can say
what you want
you can't
hurt me

© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

Musical Monday... What Moves You?
Believe It or Not by Joey Scarbury
[Theme from TV series "The Greatest American Hero"]

"Believe it or not,
I'm walkin' on air,
I never thought I could feel so free;
Flyin' away on a wing and a pray'r,
Who could it be?
Believe it or not, it's just me.
Just like the light of new day,
It hit me from out of the blue;
Breakin' me out of the spell I was in,
Makin' all of my wishes come true.

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27 October 2010

Phoenix Rising... (Haiku)

from ashes she rose
and fluttered towards the sun
swift as light she soared...


strength renewed by flames
she spreads her wide fiery wings
a phoenix rises...

© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

Next Week's Theme: Direction 
Image courtesy: Link 

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15 October 2010

Going Back...

A recent comment from Meri urged me to go back to my first post here. It was aptly entitled "We Were Not Ready To Say Goodbye..." That was James' story. That was the story that brought me here in the blogging world.

Almost 6 years after the tragedy, I still feel sad about it. But counting my blessings, I know I have so much to thank God for.. 6 years after, I am still standing. I am still alive. My kids have grown stronger and more responsible.

In fact, my son (the eldest among 3 kids) made it to the finals of a city-wide Physics Quiz Bee today. He didn't win but that was no mean  feat to land in the final elimination round and be among the finalists of over 100 students. Oh, I forgot to tell you, he was informed about it (that he would represent his school) only yesterday, thereby giving him less than 24 hours to prepare.

Wow! I can only sit back and think to myself, "I must have done something right to deserve my kids." 

Image courtesy: findstuff22

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11 September 2010

Happy Birthday James

James Yap, September 11, 1965- January 2005
James, your light shines on through our three children. 
They are my greatest treasure. 
Thank you so much for everything!

Had James been alive, he would have turned 45 today. We may have moved on but we have not forgotten. He will always be in our hearts. And we will forever be grateful for all the memories he left behind.

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09 September 2010

What Life Is All About

life is not about accumulating wealth
but about making one's own dreams come true and 
having a clean bill of health...

life is not about the mistakes you made
but the lessons you have learned along the way
and the strength you have gained...

life is not about disappointments
it's just that some things are not meant to be
and there is such a thing called patience...

life is not about the people who put you down,
wait for you to stumble or don't have anything nice to say 
neither is it about those who wish for you to drown ...  

life is about the relationships you have built
and the people who truly care 
and those who encourage you to live to the hilt... 

 life is about faith
when things go wrong and you've got nothing else left
you know that God is all you need...

life is about being free to live, love and laugh
anyone who tramples on that basic right
does not deserve to stay in your life...

life is about rising above any adversity,
picking up the pieces and moving on graciously
after all, you've got only one life to live...

life is about learning how to count your blessings
and the true meaning of contentment
gratitude is the key to happiness- one that's real and permanent...

© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

zwani.com myspace graphic comments

Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.

It is with great pleasure and honor that I accept the following poetry awards for week 27 and  friendship awards from Thursday Poets' Rally's host, Jingle-

The Most Considerate Poet Award
The Most Stylish Poet Award
The Most Mindful Poet Award

Talented Blogger Award
Happy Best Friend Day Award

Jingle, thank you so much for your continued support and appreciation of my blog!

Posted for Thursday Poets' Rally Week 28

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08 September 2010

Proudly "My Home" (Sensational Haiku Wednesday)

This week's theme is:

i am truly home
in my room of 14 years
where my heart belongs

my work family
they greeted me with open
arms, such warm welcome!

no matter what you
do, wherever you may go,
home's where your heart is

11 months ago, I left my office of 14 years. I gave away the paintings that decorated my room and heaved a sigh of relief when i put all my case folders in a big box. I took one last look at the diploma and credentials on my wall before I carefully wrapped and put them away.

As I said, that was 11 months ago...

Now I am back in my old room and i brought in new paintings to decorate my wall. The framed credentials are also back. It feels like I never really left the place.

This is where I belong...

This is proudly my home!

Home sweet home!

Next Week's Theme: Food

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06 September 2010

A Sunny Monday Morning

I look forward to Monday mornings now...
"Home sweet home!"

Have a great and upbeat Monday, everyone!

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25 August 2010

Future ~ Haiku

take a step forward
no room for fears or regrets
just keep on moving

don't ever look back
there's so much ahead of you
don't even slow down

who knows what awaits
a brave soul who moves forward
everything seems bright

you will never know
what the future holds for you
if fear takes the reins

  © Bing (PinkLady) 2010

This week's theme: Future

Sensational Haiku Wednesday is hosted by
Join the fun!
Next week’s theme: Secrets

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15 August 2010

Heaven's Gate

the words stopped flowing
 tears flooded my face
i was speechless
my heart was heavy
pain tore it apart...

the dreaded news came
you passed away and joined our Creator
was it just a day after
i debated with myself
if i'd go see you on your deathbed...

i was crying as i rushed to see you
only to miss that turn when i was near
as cowardice gripped me
i told myself, "tomorrow"
for i needed to collect my thoughts...

but tomorrow proved too far
for someone who was in great pain
you didn't even live to see the next sunlight
that broke through
your window pane that morning...

when i finally found the courage to see you
you were in a deep solemn slumber
wiping away all traces of pain
that devoured your body and spirit
looking beautiful as ever...

hard as it is to say goodbye
we know it is only for now
and take comfort in knowing
that you are at heaven's gate
waving at us with a big smile...

 © Bing (PinkLady) 2010

I wrote about my friend Mayen a few months ago- Sunshine In Her Ravaged Soul. She succumbed to cancer of the colon at 5:50 o'clock in the morning on August 10, 2010. She was 44.

Her death was a big blow not only to me but to everyone whose lives and hearts she had touched. I must admit that this sent me into hibernation and made me reassess my own mortality. There might even be no tomorrow to speak of...            

May the road rise up to meet you, 
may the wind be ever at your back.  
May the sun shine warm upon your face 
and the rain fall softly on your fields.  
And until we meet again, 
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.  
~Irish Blessing~
July 16, 1966-August 10, 2010

Rest in peace, my friend...

The Perfect Poet Award For Week 25

 A big thanks to Jingle (and all the poets who believed in me) for the Perfect Poet Award for Week 25. For her enlightening and inspiring wisdom on "letting go," I am voting for Amanda for the Perfect Poet Award for Week 26.

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Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections.

"Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward to the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage and confidence." ~ Og Mandino

If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting, but I would have to decline, for life would no longer teach me anything.
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