terrene redolent
of lilies, burning incense...
city of the dead
memorial vignettes
atop immaculate crypts...
tribute to forebears
wicked truth pondered...
the day i take my last sleep
where will i wake up...
what of my days and
follies will be most recalled
perhaps with a smile...
© Bing Yap [PinkLady] 2012
All Rights Reserved
"Undas" is traditionally celebrated in the Philippines every 1st (All Saints' Day) and 2nd (All Souls' Day) days of November. It is that time of the year when most Filipinos congregate at the cemeteries to honor their departed loved ones by visiting the graves of deceased relatives, offering prayers and colorful bouquets, lighting candles and incense (for the Filipino-Chinese).
Often, the occasion becomes a reunion of sorts where a banquet is shared around the graves and children have fun making wax balls out of melted candles. Both days are official state-recognized holidays in the country.