If God brought you to it,
He will get you through it.
Showing posts with label thursday poets rally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thursday poets rally. Show all posts

02 November 2012

A Day at Golgotha

terrene redolent
of lilies, burning incense...
city of the dead

memorial vignettes
atop immaculate crypts...
tribute to forebears

wicked truth pondered...
the day i take my last sleep
where will i wake up...

what of my days and

follies will be most recalled
perhaps with a smile...

© Bing Yap [PinkLady] 2012
All Rights Reserved

"Undas" is traditionally celebrated in the Philippines every 1st  (All Saints' Day) and 2nd (All Souls' Day) days of November. It is that time of the year when most Filipinos congregate at the cemeteries to honor their departed loved ones by visiting the graves of deceased relatives, offering prayers and colorful bouquets, lighting candles and incense (for the Filipino-Chinese). 

Often, the occasion becomes a reunion of sorts where a banquet is shared around the graves and children have fun making wax balls out of melted candles. Both days are official state-recognized holidays in the country.

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20 October 2012

Bridge of Yonder (Haiku)

familiar banters
rendezvous with days of yore
strut into the past...

cacophonous chaffs
maudlin bridge to good old days
erstwhile ties renewed...

youthful glow long gone
gray- covered locks and chignons
older and wiser

never too old though
to walk down memory lane
giggly once again

memories of yore
chatters of puerile antics
barring senile spells

© Bing Yap [PinkLady] 2012
All Rights Reserved

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25 May 2011

A Haiku Milestone

one dream at a time
each step a milestone achieved
embrace life's sunshine!

© Bing (PinkLady) 2011
to Sensational Haiku Wednesday 

on its 100th week of Haiku-ing!!! 

I am proudly hooked on haiku because of Jenn @ You know... That Blog? ;)


Thank you so much for my nomination for the Perfect Poet Award for Week 44. 
I humbly accept the same and nominate Jingle and Olivia for the next rally.

I would also like to thank everyone in Jingle's community of poets who voted for me for the 
Celebrate Poet of Summer 2011 Award.

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03 May 2011

Lost In Reverie

 you are
the silent witness
that tells
no lies
a mute confidante
that holds
all secrets 
behind the smile
no line or flaw
is hidden
you reveal things 
as they are
without fear
of reprisal
you bare both
beauty  and blemish
with cold neutrality
 the phantoms
in one's head
the angst and
buried deep in
one's heart
all these chimeras
unless the master
so exposes
and as the day dawns
when you
can no longer
hold your
you shatter
into pieces
carrying with you
a thousand riddles
ensconced in

© Bing (PinkLady) 2011

Image credit: Link

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23 April 2011

Getting High on Sobriety

free at last
from your strong hold
no longer at 
your beck and call
past the clammy hands
and cold sweats
the splitting headaches
and annoying palpitations
i thirst no more
for your ephemeral comfort
i can look at you
right in the face
and couldn't care less
sobriety is my new name
now i wake up each morning
with a natural high

© Bing (PinkLady) 2011

 Thanks to Jingle for The Perfect Poet Week 41 Award
I vote for Lolamouse of Mouse Droppings.

Image credit: Link

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09 April 2011


a distant star glimmers
the coldness of the night
makes me shiver
i hear you whisper
i shudder at the thought

you live in my heart
you never left
that's why i still hear you
and feel your love as
cold air embraces me

every time i lay awake
anxious at uncertainties
you rush to ease my mind
if only you could 
wipe away my tears

memories of rainbows and
of echoing laughter
unfulfilled dreams and
promises lie in their wake
bittersweet remembrance of past

© Bing (PinkLady) 2011

 Thanks to Jingle for The Perfect Poet Week 41 Award

Thanks also for these awards:

Image credit: Link

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20 November 2010

Swept Away

i was swept away

love's unexpected display

life's pleasant surprise

© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

The Perfect Poet Award 

I'd like to thank everyone who nominated me for The Perfect Poet Award (Week 32). For week 33, I nominate Heather Grace Stewart, Olivia and Jingle.

Image credit: Link

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22 October 2010

A Tranquil Soul

in the stillness of the mind

the soul placidly rests

blissful tranquility wraps

the core of one's being

time falls into oblivion

as the noise slowly dies

and calm soon reigns

solitude's silent song

from deep within

sweet lullaby for the soul

© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

Perfect Poet Award for Week 30
Please read post of acceptance here...

Image credit: Link

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08 October 2010

Two Years Ago...

pain beyond compare
heart enmeshed in sorrow
gasping for air
hurdling a big blow

that was how it all started
just one small step
to let go of a departed
like a kid out of prep

thoughts formed into words
images from darkness
emotions stirred like restless birds
pressed to find a nest

as rants were spewed in ink
  heavy chest slowly cleared
burdened mind back in sync
aching soul lost its sneer

vibrant colors soon appeared
as darkness ebbed away
the wind at last veered
giving way to hope's brilliant ray

© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

When I started this blog, I had no expectations at all. What I needed was an outlet... a place  of my own where I could freely vent my emotions. Back then, this blog was dark- black, gray and white.  Now it's splashed with colors. Exactly two years in existence and the sun continues to shine. To all my blog friends who supported and encouraged me in more ways than one, thank you so much!

Today also marks another anniversary... the day when sunshine walked into my life. A gift of second chance. I am forever grateful! :)

"How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb
Without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home..."

~Bring Me To Life ~

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Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections.

"Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward to the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage and confidence." ~ Og Mandino

If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting, but I would have to decline, for life would no longer teach me anything.
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