Going Back...
A recent comment from Meri urged me to go back to my first post here. It was aptly entitled "We Were Not Ready To Say Goodbye..." That was James' story. That was the story that brought me here in the blogging world.
Almost 6 years after the tragedy, I still feel sad about it. But counting my blessings, I know I have so much to thank God for.. 6 years after, I am still standing. I am still alive. My kids have grown stronger and more responsible.
In fact, my son (the eldest among 3 kids) made it to the finals of a city-wide Physics Quiz Bee today. He didn't win but that was no mean feat to land in the final elimination round and be among the finalists of over 100 students. Oh, I forgot to tell you, he was informed about it (that he would represent his school) only yesterday, thereby giving him less than 24 hours to prepare.
Wow! I can only sit back and think to myself, "I must have done something right to deserve my kids."

Image courtesy: findstuff22
You have such a positive attitude and that's why your kids are thriving. Just saying.
Have a terrific weekend Bing. Big hug. :)
WIth lots of hard work it all works out. Congrats to your son. That's wonderful. And things are only going to get better I just know it. Keep that attitude my friend :) WOOT!!!!
sandee, that's nice of you to say. these kids have learned valuable lessons in the past 6 years of their lives. i'm just so glad to be here for them.
happy weekend, sandee! thank you for being so supportive always.
thom, i like that thought... "things are only going to get better" i am also optimistic about it and that's what i hold on to whenever the going gets rough.
i really appreciate your friendship, thom. thank you so much for cheering me on. that really helps. :)
I agree that it is your positive attitude that helps your kids do well, Bing. When I first read about what had happened to you, I was amazed at your strength and courage. Over the months your smile does not dim, no matter what. You are an amazing and lovely person! Shine on!
You are the pillar of strength that stood tall for your kids and your optimism certainly guide them through all possibilities. Cheers, you are a SUPER-MOM!
sherry, your comment touched my heart. i just didn't want to drag my kids into that dark hole i was in. it was a scary place. i'm so happy how things turned out but it's still a long journey for the 4 of us. i blog because it helps me drive the dark clouds away. and friends like you keep me smiling. thank you so much!
wenny, i wish i can don a super cape and just be alright all the way. let's just say i'm a super mom because i have super kids. it's me who has to keep up with their optimism.
thanks for your continued friendship. :)
You've come a long way, walking through the unspeakable grief one step at a time. I'm sure there were times when you didn't know how to get through another day, but having kids forces you to fake it and act as if you're coping with the new normal. And just look at the results.
God bless you, Bing, for your amazing strength and the example you are to your children... they are so blessed to have you and will continue to do great things because of your support and belief in their goodness... Congratulations to your son, you must be so proud of him. I, for the first time, read your first post on the sadness of your loss, and though I cannot imagine how difficult it has been for you, I see your beautiful persevering spirit in each poem you share with us here... you are such an inspiration to everyone who comes here to your blog; may you be blessed with much love in your life, starting with a huge hug right now, from me. God bless you and your family always... wishing you joy... Heartspell
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