If God brought you to it,
He will get you through it.
Showing posts with label don't mess with my kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label don't mess with my kids. Show all posts

17 October 2013

Life Now...

Warmest greetings from my family to yours!

A few months ago, my children's "yaya" (babysitter) of 17 years decided to move back with her family and start taking care of her own grandchildren. She came to us when my second child was only an infant. I would not have managed to cope when we lost James had it not been for yaya's strong and reassuring presence at home. She took on the role of "mom" to my kids while I went out to search for our missing family member and worked to bring home the bacon, so to speak.

Our beloved yaya Merlene stayed with us for 17 years.

It has been a totally different life since then. A new journey for me and my kids... a grand time at reviving and redecorating our home... Oh... and I'm cooking again.

My kids... how they have grown!!!

Believe me, it's a whole new adventure for me... Real motherhood at its best!

A pocketful of sunshine and 

*Woman and Super Mom images credit: Google

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15 May 2011

Mother's Lullabye

Image credit: Link

sleep my baby sleep
mommy's here for you to keep
together we shall be counting sheep

hush my baby hush
can you hear the mocking thrush
singing like a nightingale at first blush

rest my baby rest
i shall hold  you close to my chest
on my shoulder your head may crest

© Bing (PinkLady) 2011

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20 October 2010

Pathways (Haiku)

Image credit: Frail

my child, don't be scared
i'll always be here for you
i believe in you

your eyes speak volumes
i see high hopes and big dreams
let me fly with you

on those narrow paths
ahead of you, take my hand
i shall walk with you

i am here to guide
i do not seek to impose
let me be your light

don't mind what they say
take that step and don't look back
this is your journey

your heart is the key
follow what makes you happy
that's all that matters

© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

Posted for Sensational Haiku Wednesday 
Next week’s theme: Direction

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19 October 2010

The Muffed Target

Welcome to the The Muffed Target

Every Tuesday, my very good friend Thom at Thom's Place 4 Well Whatever hosts The Muffed Target which run by these rules:

"Each Tuesday post a picture which is completely crazy, messed up, with nothing on etc, which normally you would immediately delete. It can be everything, like only shoes instead of the whole person, a blurred building or whatever you want. Then tell us the little story how it happened and what it should have been..."

My Son, My Son...

 My son was an altar server during the Thanksgiving Mass for the canonization of Saint Candida Maria de Jesus, their school's foundress. It was a big event as it was officiated by the Archbishop himself as well as several other priests at the San Pedro Cathedral.

Being the stage mom that I am, I clicked and clicked on my cellphone camera as soon as my son appeared during the entrance march. Of course, since it was a solemn event, I was the only parent who dared to take photos inside the church. After all, that was my son there...

Well, with his back turned as he walked past me...

That's my son alright... I could not get a clear shot so I ran to the front pew.  Here's a clearer shot... of the candle stand he was holding! LOL!

I hope you enjoyed the photos. :D

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02 October 2010

When It Rains...

you are special to me
a friend more than a daughter
the best one could ever hope for
you are brighter than any star in the sky
every time you flash a smile
and when your burdens get too heavy
always remember that i am here for you
not just as your mom 
but as your best friend as well
© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

There's a monster in my family. It has surreptitiously crept into our genes and has now hit my teenage princess.

Last Tuesday, my daughter Jazzy and I went for a walk. Since she usually runs or jogs instead of walking with me, I got the chance to look at her from afar.

"Oh dear, I have to do something about her posture," I remember telling myself. And when I finally caught up with her, I told her how bad her posture was and how I hated it. She just smiled at me and promised to be more conscious about it next time. The same promise she gives me every time I tell her "don't slouch!" or "stand up straight!" or "watch your posture!"

We all know how teenagers hate to be criticized. So I tried to make it up to her and passed on my treasure chest- classic blouses and cool shorts I was hoping to fit into again when I go back to my old form (I have given up on that now). As she was excitedly trying them on, that was when I saw it... a deformed spine.

Why did I not see it before? Was I so blind? Or have I just lived in denial?  The bad posture... I understand now... I wanted to take back all the scolding I gave her. It was not her fault. In fact, I am blaming myself now for not paying attention.

Scoliosis is the medical term for curvature of the spine. Genetics are believed to play a role and my daughter's condition appears to be congenital. The fact that I myself (as well as my mom's sister and her daughter) suffer from mild scoliosis (non-progressive 20 degrees thoracic curve) should have put me on "red alert" with my daughters as it is more often diagnosed in female members of the family (which I learned only now).

Last Thursday, I brought her to two doctors- a rehab medicine specialist and an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spine surgery.

X-ray of a person with thoracic dextroscoliosis and lumbar levoscoliosis

The diagnosis: not just single but DOUBLE curve- thoracic (upper spine) curve of 40 degrees and lumbar (lower spine) curve of 60 degrees. For someone her age, progression is 5 degrees per year.

The recommendation: immediate spinal surgery that could last for 10 hours or more. And we are talking here of my 14 year old princess.

Oh nooooooo, not my princess!

Image from Photobucket

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13 June 2009

I Don't Want To Stay Angry

The truth is that, I DON'T WANT TO STAY ANGRY. I am done with hatred and bitterness in my life. The best way to deal with it is to confront what or who causes me pain. So that's exactly what I did a few minutes ago. It is indeed liberating to be able to release the burden of anger.

These quotes helped me cool down and stay objective. They reminded me of what forgiving is all about.

It always helps to confront one's anger and deal with it face to face. It also gives the other person or persons the chance to air his/her/their side. At the very least, I was able to convey the message that I won't take lightly any injustice- perceived or real- against my kids.

Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. But in forgiving, one does not have to compromise his principles. He may not be able to change the past but he can do something about the future by taking a stand.

The door has been opened for a dialogue. I welcome that.

Blessings to all,

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Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections.

"Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward to the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage and confidence." ~ Og Mandino

If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting, but I would have to decline, for life would no longer teach me anything.
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"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11-14
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