If God brought you to it,
He will get you through it.
Showing posts with label a mother's love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a mother's love. Show all posts

04 November 2013

Dona Nobis Pacem… A Reverie...

I blog for PEACE 
because I want my voice to be heard… 
no matter how small it is. 

I dream of a better world 
because I love my kids 
and I want them to feel secure
inside and outside of our home. 

I want to sleep peacefully 
each night knowing 
that tomorrow brings 
no threat or danger of any kind.

I long for the day 
where guns, bombs and 
all weapons of mass destruction
become a thing of the past. 

I imagine that day
where war and conflict are
replaced by compassion 
and understanding.

I can dream…
and I can make it happen...

Because it all begins with
One voice…
One subject…
One day...

© Bing Yap [PinkLady] 2013
All Rights Reserved

"You may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one.
~ Imagine by John Lennon

A pocketful of sunshine and 
Thanks to Mimi Lenox for starting the phenomenal BlogBlast 4 Peace (the Peace Globe Movement). It is now an annual online event that has spread to 185 countries across the globe. Visit the BlogBlast4Peace Facebook Fan Page. Don’t forget to link your peace post and sign Mr. Linky here

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21 October 2012

Of Time and Pain... and Gratitude (A Birthday Reflection)

I once dreamed of a sweet and gentle life
Where bliss greeted me at the door
And soft rose petals covered my bed...

But dreams are just dreams
And reality brings more pain
Than one can ever imagine...

Sheltered all my life
I thought it would all be easy
After all, up until then, life was a breeze...

Imagine my surprise
When the life I knew was suddenly interrupted
By people who thought they knew better...

Not only was there pain but shame as well
The crowd that used to surround us
Slowly dissipated into thin air...

Thank God for family and TRUE friends
It took one misfortune to unmask these faces
I wouldn't have survived without them...

Then you get to realize that
There is no such thing as an easy life
Everyone has an ordeal to tell...

Mine is a story of LOST love, life and hope
Until I decided to take the reins again
And stand up on my own...

Mine is a story of independence and liberation
Not of war but of love for life
A quest for deeper meaning of my existence...

You see, seven years ago
I would have perished with James
And my three kids would have been orphaned...

But no, God had other plans
These kids are my mission
They are meant for greater things...

And I am here to guide and lead them
To the paths that the good Lord
Has paved for them...

God has been good to us
And I feel blessed to have everything we need
Enough lessons to teach us gratitude...

Now whenever I hear my kids say "thank you"
For every little nice thing done to them
I thank God for life lessons that were not wasted...

(Re-posted from A Birthday Reflection)

© Bing Yap [PinkLady] 2012
All Rights Reserved

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15 May 2011

Mother's Lullabye

Image credit: Link

sleep my baby sleep
mommy's here for you to keep
together we shall be counting sheep

hush my baby hush
can you hear the mocking thrush
singing like a nightingale at first blush

rest my baby rest
i shall hold  you close to my chest
on my shoulder your head may crest

© Bing (PinkLady) 2011

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20 October 2010

Pathways (Haiku)

Image credit: Frail

my child, don't be scared
i'll always be here for you
i believe in you

your eyes speak volumes
i see high hopes and big dreams
let me fly with you

on those narrow paths
ahead of you, take my hand
i shall walk with you

i am here to guide
i do not seek to impose
let me be your light

don't mind what they say
take that step and don't look back
this is your journey

your heart is the key
follow what makes you happy
that's all that matters

© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

Posted for Sensational Haiku Wednesday 
Next week’s theme: Direction

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22 July 2010

A Note To My Child

everyday i struggle
to give you the kind of life
that i know you deserve
each pain and and sweat
i hardly notice
after all
they bring me
a step closer
to all my dreams for you...
one day soon
i will let you go
and let you roam 
the world on your own
and when you do
remember my counsel
choose your battles well
for not all fights 
are worth your while...

with all my love, 

© Bing (PinkLady) 2010

W E L C O M E   TO
[July 22-28] hosted by Jingle

Please read Agreement 4 Rally Week 25 to join...

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Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections.

"Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward to the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage and confidence." ~ Og Mandino

If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting, but I would have to decline, for life would no longer teach me anything.
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"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11-14
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