I Don't Want To Stay Angry
The truth is that, I DON'T WANT TO STAY ANGRY. I am done with hatred and bitterness in my life. The best way to deal with it is to confront what or who causes me pain. So that's exactly what I did a few minutes ago. It is indeed liberating to be able to release the burden of anger.
These quotes helped me cool down and stay objective. They reminded me of what forgiving is all about.

It always helps to confront one's anger and deal with it face to face. It also gives the other person or persons the chance to air his/her/their side. At the very least, I was able to convey the message that I won't take lightly any injustice- perceived or real- against my kids.
Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. But in forgiving, one does not have to compromise his principles. He may not be able to change the past but he can do something about the future by taking a stand.
Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. But in forgiving, one does not have to compromise his principles. He may not be able to change the past but he can do something about the future by taking a stand.

The door has been opened for a dialogue. I welcome that.
Blessings to all
This is a great message.
A heavy one for me, Mike.
Appreciate you sharing, thank you. Blessings.
I guess you had a lot to say, and you surely said it!! :)
The messages were nice, and I am glad you feel better. Let's hope that it worked.
Take care,
JUST BE REAL, i'm so glad you appreciated my post. blessings to you too! i hope you're enjoying your weekend. :)
hi KAT, the first post i wrote was full of anger but after talking to one of them, i kind of cooled down a bit and decided to replace the post with something positive. i just don't want to stay long covered by darkness again. life is beautiful. there is so much we have to be thankful for. sometimes, i tend to forget that.
thank you for your friendship.
a blessed Sunday to you! :)
Hey sweetie, that's so true...sometimes am just tired of being angry and just wanna stop feeling dat way! Thanks for visiting me while I was on vacation, hugs! :):):)
Dropped EC and clicked Adgi here today, have a great day!
Thank you for this post and the wonderful quotes. I too have to work on my anger and forgiveness.
I'm glad that you are feeling better, and that you have worked through some of the anger. I'm learning that anger is an emotion not to be feared, and that it is best not to hold it in and carry it around inside of us. It is good that you were able to talk it out.
Sending much love and hugs<3
A timely post to everybody. Thanks for sharing.
I learned to forgive not from any thoughts or messages from any famed writer , poet or philosopher or great man. The most "moving" message to me that really knocked me off is this; "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:14-15. Jesus said this.
Although there are about more than 20 verses in the Bible about forgiveness taught by Jesus Christ, this one is my most favorite.
So this is always my "mantra" when I am on the verge of holding a resentment against somebody.
MARZIE, it looks like you had fun fun fun in Japan. we all missed you, you know.
yes, anger is exhausting. i wonder how angry people (those who are angry all the time) get to enjoy life...
thanks for the EC and Adgi drops. :)
ANGELA, it really felt so good to release my anger. at the end of the day, you get to realize that the anger or resentment was a big waste of time and energy. nothing can't be resolved by good old communication. it helps a lot to talk about it. :)
BINGKEE, the Bible is the best and greatest book of life lessons. when i was going through that painful episode of my life, i resorted to the Bible to guide me through it all. yes, my own story of healing ensued from learning how to forgive the people who have hurt my family. Jesus' words comforted me during the darkest period of my life. :)
Hi, Bing! I do not remember the quote verbatim, nor who said it, but it is one of my favorites. Here is my version (and I think it's pretty close to the original that I can't remember):
Forgiveness is the scent the violet sheds on the heel that crushes it.
hi SUSAN, i love that quote. thanks for sharing it here. i hope you're doing ok. :)
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