Odes For Dad (Haiku) and Poetry Awards
when i was a child
my dad taught me how to swim
a lesson well taught
little did i know
that my dad's drills at the beach
equipped me for life
for this long journey
sometimes forced me to confront
angry waves at sea
swim i did through life
through rough seas and calm waters
dad was there waiting
"well done," he would say
at the end of each channel
beaming with great pride
a few years ago
when his life hung on thin thread
he fought to survive
he opened his eyes
then started making fun of
his disheveled look
we held back our tears
his laughter was contagious
so we laughed with him
he suffered a stroke
yet grateful his life was spared...
amazing fervor
life's ironic twist
did not dampen his spirit
his strong faith prevailed
he may have slowed down
but his zest for life stayed on...
my inspiration
until now he beams
like sunlight spreading love's warmth...
eternally bright
Papa, I hope you know how much we all love you. You are the best dad in the world! Thank you so much for being a beacon of light in my darkest moments. Without you, I wouldn't have found the courage to stand up again.
fills our hearts with joy
much more when she says
she has an award for us
The Most Respectful Poet Award

I am so honored and grateful to receive the above Perfect Poet Award as well as these other beautiful awards from Jingle for my participation in her Thursday Poets' Rally Week 22. Please accept my utmost appreciation and allow me to nominate a great father-poet, Brian of WaystationOne, for the next perfect poet award.
The Most Respectful Poet Award
The Most Romantic Poet Award

The Elegant Blogger Award

The Perfect Beauty Award

Your Blog Rocks Award

Friendship Tag

Welcome to Sensational Haiku Wednesday hosted by Jenn of You Know... that Blog?
This week's theme is: Fathers
The basics:
Haiku is simple!
It is 3 non-rhyming lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively
(a great way to use your fingers!)
(a great way to use your fingers!)
It's our haiku-versary next week...
Next week's theme is: Challenge
So what are you waiting for? Come and join us at:
I am sure the "well done" will always resonate!
awesome job...
I will post Rally information after I came back from my son's tennis lesson...
see you later.
What a wonderful tribute to your father. I really liked it.
Congratulations on all the beautiful awards too.
Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
larry, you're right it will always resonate. he is still as sweet and wonderful as he was before his stroke that's why we feel so blessed that he survived that. he is an amazing man!
jingle, did i post ahead of schedule? lol! you can't blame me for my enthusiasm. :D
sandee dearie, i'm glad you like it. he truly deserves a tribute. thanks for the visit. blessings to you!
I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful I think these are. Your loving relationship with your father shines through your words. You are blessed indeed.
Thank you for the cute poem written for me,
lovely writing for your precious Dad...
U Rock!
So beautiful!! I echo his "well done", and I love that you have put his words and lessons into such lovely haiku.
You've given a really wonderful tribute to your dad!
Great tribute.
Your second poem brought tears to my eyes..
You are an amazing writer with an amazing father.
Beautiful tributes to your Dad.... congrats on awards also, Happy Rally.....bkm
Beautiful tributes to your Dad.... congrats on awards also, Happy Rally.....bkm
That is a great tribute to your dad, he sounds like an amazing person!
what a great tribute to your dad...i loved the first one as that is our role to equip those that come behind us or walk with us...
well chosen words- cheers!
5th sister, my siblings and i are truly proud of him and we feel so blessed to have him as our dad. thanks for the nice comment. =)
jngle, i can't thank you enough for the awards you gave me. that poem conveyed how much your support means to me and to all your poet-friends. =)
jenn, thanks for choosing this prompt. it gave us the opportunity to give tribute to all the great dads out there. =)
magical mystical teacher, thanks for your appreciation. =)
emmanuel, i'm glad that you like it. :)
jillien, believe me, he is really amazing! his strength and wisdom still guide and inspire me until now. thanks for dropping by. :)
bkm, thanks for dropping by and for appreciating my post. :)
ria, he is my hero =) thanks for visiting.
brian, i believe you are a great dad yourself. =) thanks for the nice comment.
cheers, fiveloaf! =) thanks
A most beautiful tribute to your father.
hi suzi, thank you. that's because he is the best! =)
I lost my father 3 years ago. And I am a father of three. Thanks for your lovely poems, very well crafted and sincere.
I love the poem about the swimming lesson. Every little thing comes back to you when you need it most.
Lovely and moving poems. Really show your feelings for your dad.
through teary eyes I type one word..Beautiful!
Beautiful, warm haikus. Your father sounds like a great man, and I can see that you love him very much. Congrats on the award. Have a wonderful day.
ray, i'm sorry for your loss. i guess one will never really get over losing a parent. whatever lessons you got from your dad, you can pass them on now to your 3 kids.
thanks for visiting. =)
lovetheloop, for so many years, we spent our sundays at the beach where my dad would do his regular laps for an hour or so. the best memories of my childhood!=) thanks for appreciating my post.
jessica, thanks. until now, i get my strength from him. :)
sound of freedom, i'm glad that you like the poems for my dad. my heartfelt thanks to you. =)
rosidah, for me he is the best that's why i love him so much. thanks for appreciating.
Happy Fathers Day. <3
A fantastic tribute to your dad. Thank you for sharing.
Your poems are beautiful. The love and warmth shown through them is inspiring. Great work :)
I love your style, and your words/thoughts are touching to a father of a wonderful daughter. Thanks.
Just Say'n
wow your work is wonderful! thanks for sharing ...
here from Jingle's
hope you have time to stop by my spot!
week 23 perfect poet award,
Happy Weekend,
I have enjoyed your company very much!
thanks nelly... happy father's day! =)
morganna, thanks for visiting! :)
mark, i'm glad that you like them. thanks for dropping by. =)
tracy, thanks for the heartwarming comment.
hi peach pit, i'm headed to to your site now. thanks for dropping by.
hi jingle, now this is the kind of comment i was talking about. =) thanks for the nomination and for dropping by again.
thank you for stopping by,
please feel free to take all 5 awards from my post...
I must apologize for my weakness.
Such a wonderful tribute....touched my heart.
Such a wonderful tribute....touched my heart.
Hello Bing, beautiful posting and heartwarming.
A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.
It is with regret I read your header about your great loss of your husband. I am sorry.
Life sometimes can be unkind to us, and makes us wonder, 'why, why'.....I guess only God will know the answer.
We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness.
By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.
You have a pleasant week and keep a song in your heart, best regards, Lee.
What a warm and beautiful tribute. Thank you for sharing it with us all.
Btw, congrats on the award.
jingle, thanks for all the awards. i really appreciate them.
idon, i hope you enjoyed your fathers day celebration!
buttercup, i'm glad you like it =)
uncle lee, that is so beautiful!
"We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness.
By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness."
that is exactly what i tell my friends but you said it beautifully here. you get to appreciate a full cup only when you have experienced emptiness.
it was only when i learned to forgive that i was able to move on. it was also then that i was able to fully appreciate the value of life.
thanks for the very inspiring comment. =)
wenny, it is really nice to see you here again. the positive posts in your blog never fail to inspire me. i am glad that you like this post of mine. :)
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