Lousy SmartBro Connection
Things don't always go our way. Just when we thought we have planned out everything, something goes wrong. Almost always!
I was so excited to go back to blogging after my short vacation. There was too much sunshine to share. My mind was full of happy ideas and memories to write about. I was simply ecstatic to start writing again. I even promised a special band in Manila that I will feature them in my blog after they impressed me with their music and great performance.
But soon after I set foot in my house, the anticipation was drowned by frustration. I could not connect to the internet. That was 20 days ago. Until now, the "technical problem" has not been fixed. When I called up my provider tonight, I was asked to send an email to their customer service so I could be prioritized. What??? I was there on the phone talking to their representative and she still wants me to write them??? So tell me SmartBro, what was the use of recording my telephone call then??? Is this what a loyal customer deserves? Look at my latest bill closely to see that I am way ahead in my payment.
To my brother (my "utol") in the US who has shown concern over my blogs, I want you to know that I really appreciate the nightly reminder to update. But as I have explained to you, I'm the type who writes spontaneously from my own laptop. Doing it this way - that is, writing it in my laptop, saving it and transferring the material to my son's computer to be able to publish it - needs some getting used to on my part. I type then I publish. That's it. I am a one laptop/pc-type of person. That's just the way I am (in all aspects). And I can't write at work. The only time I can blog is at night when I'm relaxing at home. That is also my way of coping with and letting go of the day's stress. Now I have been deprived of that.
Blessings to all
Bummer,and boo hiss on those fine upstanding people at your internet provider.
it really sucks, mike :(
Totally frustrating when that happens...Welcome Back in any event.
It is always refreshing to take a break and return...we appreciate and notice the small joys when we do that.
Have a great day:)
Hi Bing,
that must be sooo frustrating, but we will still be here for ya,
Take Care,
How frustrating!
I hope that you are refreshed after your break, and welcome back! Hope your week is getting better now!
Love and hugs<3
I hate that you are still not up and running!! They really stink as as a hosting provider!
Hurry back!! I miss you!! :(
DOROTHY, JANET, ANGELA and KAT, thank you so much for your support and encouraging words. I am now back in full swing. That was one month of frustration for me.
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