If God brought you to it,
He will get you through it.
Showing posts with label The Sunday Mini-Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Sunday Mini-Challenge. Show all posts

04 November 2012

Dona Nobis Pacem... There is Hope...

Begin each day with a grateful heart
Let the morning breeze augur a fresh start
Oh, there is hope... there is hope...
God, grant thy people a way to cope...

Besieged by nature's wrath
Let mankind find the rightful path
Amidst the baffling global climate change
Sadly, humanity is also placed in war-torn range
Too many souls perish each day... all for naught!

Freedom, once suppressed, is cause for distraught
Oh, there is hope... there is hope...
Refrain from going down the slippery slope...

Pursue that which creates harmony
Embrace that which promotes unity
Accept each other's flaws
Coexistence is a worthy cause
Every man will one day learn to let go of blame...

Dona Nobis Pacem!

Indeed, there is hope... there is hope...

© Bing Yap [PinkLady] 2012
All Rights Reserved

A pocketful of sunshine and 


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Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you decide to see beyond the imperfections.

"Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward to the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage and confidence." ~ Og Mandino

If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting, but I would have to decline, for life would no longer teach me anything.
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"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11-14
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