Life's Little Pleasures

You just have to open your eyes a little wider
And take a closer look at the world around you.
Don't worry about where you have been.
Watch your future unfold
Filled with dreams of where you are going.
-Deanna Beisser-
As we were about to sleep one evening, 13-year-0ld Jazzy said "thank you, Ma." I asked what she was thanking me for. She replied: "For all the lessons you have taught us."
She then proceeded to tell me: "It used to break our hearts to see you crying every night. In fact, every night I prayed to God to please make you happy again. After that, I would thank Him endlessly on those evenings that I didn't see you cry. Isn't it that you taught us to be grateful for little things? But when you finally stopped crying, that was the best gift He gave to us and we couldn't thank Him enough."
10-year-old Jamie agreed and said: "That's true Mommy. We also cried whenever we saw you crying. But now we are happy because you are happy."
Jazmine added: "See, you taught us to be positive all the time... even on those times when there was no reason at all to be happy about."
I remember that dark period so well. It was then when I thought my family would never see the colors around us again. Everything was pitch black. There was total darkness. In fact, my kids' tears would flow every night as I forced them to recall what they had to be thankful for at the end of the day. I felt their pain because, like them, it was also impossible for me to see or think beyond my grief.
As our gratitude list started getting longer, we began to smile again.
Now these kids say "thank you" for the littlest favor, gesture or gift. A movie that made them feel good, a dinner treat at McDonald's (they know I already hate going there), a walk in the mall, a surprise shopping treat and other little pleasant surprises -- I always get a big hug and a "thank you."
But to be thanked for the lessons in life that they have learned from me... that is the best compliment I have ever received!
Blessings to all ,
I swear are a wonderful human being. I'm so glad you are in my life. Your kids sound wonderful as well and they come by that honestly. As a family you have endured and the love and respect that you all have...Just heartwarming. :) Much love and aloha to you all :)
You give me so much hope when right now I'm really scared. My husband is sick, and I wonder how I could ever get over the grief. I'm grieving right now with just the thought of losing him. I feel like the pain would be too much to bear, but then I see how far that you have come. Thank you for this blog, and for being the wonderful person that you are.
Kids seem to always get it right don't they. Sometimes we don't give them enough credit. Your babies are amazing honey, just like their mother.
Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
THOM these kids are my treasure... They got hurt, they learned, they moved on. They are my inspiration. And they made it possible for me to move on as well. =)
Thanks for the touching comment.
ANGELA, everything happens for a reason. Just hang in there please... I know nothing makes sense to you right now and this is the time when you just want to sulk, get mad and blame everyone, including yourself, for the misery. Believe me, you are entitled to that. Just take it one day at a time. Cry when you feel like crying. Call a friend when you need to talk to someone. Shout and scream if you have to. Rest assured that each single day will make you stronger.
God bless you, Angela. Hugs for you.
SANDEE thanks for the nice words. i am so proud of my babies, yes. sometimes i think they are more mature than their mom. =)
That is the greatest compliment. You have done well. :D
thanks a lot SUSAN... i hope you saw the award i gave you some few weeks ago. =)
I read that "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." I guess the same is true for what one writes about. =) your written words overflow with inspiration.
You are a rare gem, Ms. Bing. You have so much to share to the world, so pls. don't ever get tired of writing, bec. by doing so, you're reaching out to countless souls out there.
keep shining!
SUE how have you been? it's been quite awhile since i heard from you. i hope everything's ok with you.
thank you for appreciating the things i have written here. i hope you are back because your blog also inspired me.
God bless.
You are so blessed to have wonderful children. They are also blessed for having a mother like you.
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