Facebook Mania and High School Buddies
I never thought I'd get hooked. I was content with Twitter posting my updates (including shoutouts) in my Facebook profile wall. I would check out and try new crazy quizzes and applications from time to time, say hi to some friends and... that's it...
Until my high school buddies started posting our "vintage" photos... That did the trick!
Now there is no day when I wouldn't check the long thread of comments below each of these photos. Even at work, I would sneak into FB for a few minutes and see what my former classmates and batchmates are discussing (and who's being "roasted").
I can't count the times when I silently laughed behind my work desk after reading and joining in those silly banters. From skinny jeans (80's version), shower scenes to hair lice... everyone has something to say. "Skeletons" were unraveled to the delight of the group.
I must thank Facebook for getting us to interact and reconnect with each other after many years. I have not seen most of these friends since high school graduation and that was- OMG!!!- 26 years ago!
Photo credits: Thanks to HS buddies Tina and Dulce for taking us to a trip down memory lane through these "vintage" photos. As I said, they are timeless and priceless now.