At My Wit's End
I'm experiencing technical problems with my internet connection (ever since I came home from that much needed two-weeks break). My laptop suddenly became incompatible with my ISP provider's software (they're saying I have a Windows problem) and I'm at a loss right now on how to get back to normal blogging. I can't seem to write without my own laptop (I'm temporarily using my son's). That also explains why I was not able to post my top 10 droppers' buttons in my last entry. Since this is not my pc, I only have limited time of use. Can you imagine how frustrating this is for me?
Please bear with me for a few days or weeks (God forbid!). I will go back to EC dropping, blogging and writing for The Angels Weekly as soon as I get this problem fixed.
In the meantime, I hope and pray that SmartBro will shape up the soonest possible time or they will lose another client again. I've heard of so many complaints already.
Blessings to all