The Humane Award
I feel so honored for receiving this Humane Award from Symposio of Be The Change. Check out his blog which speaks of environmental issues, poverty, world hunger and conditions for peace. This is what he said about this lovely award :
“The Humane Award honours certain bloggers who express kindness, caring and compassion for others.
Their blogs are also amazing and are tastefully done on a daily basis.
Link back to the person who gifted you with the award and share the love with other bloggers.”
Symposio, thank you so much for sharing this award with me.

Now it's my turn to pay it forward by citing the following bloggers for exemplifying the true meaning of compassion and kindness in their blogs :
Mike of Rambling Stuff AKA Golch Central
Janet of Dolly's Daily Diary and
Stigma No More
Kat of Candles Crafts and Whatnot and
Soy Wax Candles Blog
Wenny of Inside My Bubble Today
Sandee of Comedy Plus
Dorothy of Grammology
Dorothy L of Blog
Kara of The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic
BK of Symphony of Love
Christine of Live Passionately
Bingkee of I Love/Hate America
Thom of Thom's Place 4 Well Whatever...
Jackie of The Painted Veil
Tripti of Life is a Quest
Cathy of Psychic Mama*Indigo Child
Congratulations to all of you!!!