Facebook... Oh Facebook...
It was so much fun at first. Imagine, being reconnected with people you have not seen for decades! Suddenly, everyone's in one place and they are just a click away.
I blogged less and FB'd more... Heck, I got hooked and spent more time in there than necessary. I played addicting games and interacted with long-lost friends. I "liked" almost all posts that appeared on my News Feed and left comments where I agreed most. I appreciated that I didn't get to miss any of my friends' birthdays.
Never mind if there were sarcastic posts or comments... They seemed funny at that time...
Until one day, I realized that those biting posts were meant for other friends... probably in retaliation for something that happened between them or, simply, to just get nasty. The "likes" became some sort of a loyalty check- "hey, whose side are you on?"
People started forcing their own opinions down their friends' throats. R-E-S-P-E-C-T became a thing of the past. Instead of cheerful exchanges, you now see long threads of debates and arguments that are not even close to being friendly.
It was in Facebook where I got embroiled in my so-called-friends' histrionics and hysterics. People openly aired their dirty laundry... For sympathy? For "Likes"? For goading? For the "Rah! Rah! Rah! Sis Boom Bah!" cheers? You tell me! I guess there are some people who really get a kick out of it and enjoy the attention.
Gone were the days when my News Feed fed me uplifting, funny and positive posts to start my day right. Rants, protests, opinionated/ judgmental elucidations, bashing, bullying... ahhhh, too many of them now. I must admit I myself succumbed to the temptation (of posting my negative thoughts and opinions) a number of times in the past.
And so... one day, I decided to deactivate, thus, disconnecting myself from more than 500 "friends" and a big number (I lost count) of friends requests (those I decided to ignore).
I never felt better! ;)
Now, the sun shines on...
Blessings to all of you!
Image credit: Lauren Huston