Go On And Try... It's Fun
You are The High Priestess
Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.
The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods.
What Tarot Card are You?

Your Word is "Hope" |
You see life as an opportunity for learning, growth, and bringing out the best in others. No matter how bad things get, you always have at least a glimmer of optimism. You are accepting and forgiving. You encourage those who have wronged you to turn over a new leaf. And while there is a lot of ugliness in the world, you believe that almost no one is beyond redemption. |
I TAG ALL OF YOU to try these tests and post the results in your blogs. [I would love to know your results so leave a message here to let me know that you have posted them.] Come on, it will just take a few seconds or minutes to have so much fun and get to know YOURSELF much better. Thank you, Ray of The Esoteric Journey, for the first test- What Tarot Card Are You? He said he was just curious... So was I.
I tried these and had so much fun!
I posted mine on my blog. It's funny how they kinda "do" reflect you, isn't it?
I also liked the fact that you didn't have to sign up for anything before viewing your result! Big plus there!
I also loved that your word was "hope", how fitting for you!! Keep the smile on your face!
Take care,
Hi KAT, that's exactly why I loved doing them- no long process of getting into the actual tests. I got entertained last night.:)
Much Love!
It was fun taking these tests and both results convince me they are so true!
My card is 'Sun' and the word, 'Think'.
I'll post the results on my blog.
Thanks so much for adding some fun and sparkle!
Take care.
You're welcome, Pushhyarag.Things have been so serious lately so I figured that having a little fun won't hurt. Learned about it from another blogger's site. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Please do post the results in your blog so I can also read the descriptions about you.
Warm Regards!
thanks for visiting me sister, i'd like tobe in here this night
I was browsing websites on Entrecard and was very surprised to see your banner, which is created from my original digital art: http://kerbi.deviantart.com/art/intimate-azure-80183059
I find it especially ironic that you have a copyscape banner right underneath this uncredited pirated art.
If you are going to use my art-- which is not legal without permission-- you must prominently give me credit (Bekah Richards), and link back to my websites: http://kerbi.deviantart.com and www.charlotte-faulkner.blogspot.com.
If you obtained the banner from someone else or a different website, please let me know so I can contact them accordingly.
Thank you,
Hope aptly describes your spirit and attitude and that what makes you strong ---because you have shown that despite the odds, you've come strong and hopeful. Remember , "all things work out for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
I am the High Priestess too, but I got a different deck. :-)
Hi Bekah... First of all let me apologize for using your art without your permission. I found this image from a site that offers free blogger templates while I was looking around for a new design. The header image came with the template when I downloaded it.I edited the page background so it would come out Red instead of the original Pink color.
The source of my template design is duly acknowledged at the bottom of the page. Click on it and it will bring you to their site.
Since you are the real creator and owner, I agree with you that I should prominently give you credit and link back to your site. This is a beautiful work of art and its owner must be duly acknowledged.
Again, I apologize for the mistake.
Bing :)
Thank you for your comments, Bingkee and Angelika.
I tried the word quiz and my word is love, wonder still love in my life :-)
Tripti, never let go of love, hope, peace and every positive word that we can embrace and adopt in our lives.
Please take care!
These were fun tests. I took them and posted the results on my blog.
My card was "The World" and my word was "Love".
I was really surprised at how close the results did reflect "me".
Thanks again!
I read your results and I am impressed. Your card speaks of success and fulfillment. That's topped by love. What more can one ask for! I am so happy for you, EJ!!!
Hope is a beautiful thing!
Indeed it is, Stacie. Hope defines my life right now. Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment.
Hi!! I got this one from you! Was rather fun doing it!
Hi Ms. Bing,
I finally updated my blog. Thanks to this tag. =)
Did you change the cards? I thought you had a dragon before?? lol
Maybe that was someone else's I read?
Also, I've left you another award over on my blog..
Have a great weekend!
Take Care,
Now why doesn't that surprise me? ;)
UmmeAaiman, I'm glad you enjoyed doing this. I already read your card at your site.
Sue, I am so glad to hear from you again. I was kinda worried when I didn't see any new post at your site for weeks. I hope everything's ok there now.
Much love!
Kat, you always spoil me. Lol! Thank you so much.
Kara, thank you so much for dropping by again.
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