If God brought you to it,
He will get you through it.

10 November 2013

An Attempt at Googlism and Poetry

Of living and loving... is so clear
You are bound to get hurt at some point
But it is all part of life’s amazing journey.

Of living and loving… 
Is more important than reaching 
Some perfect state of bliss.

Of living and loving… 
Is really all about listening to your intuition and
Surrendering to the moment.

Of living and loving is beyond me...
It is not to carry a hidden attitude of spiritual superiority
But of spreading universal healing for broken souls.

Of living and loving… 
Is the crux of this unlikely saga of resilience
 Far more different than you once expected or experienced.

Here’s my attempt to write poetry again. It’s been awhile since I have created one and a little help from Googlism didn’t hurt at all. Thanks to Samuel Peralta of dVerse for inviting us to contribute our own list poem based on Googlism.

A pocketful of sunshine and 

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Of Loss and Regrets… and Getting Through...

“I do not know anymore…” 

This was not a line from Janet Napoles during the Senate Hearing for PDAF Scam but from a colleague/very close friend of mine who is grieving the sudden and unexpected loss of his wife. 42 years of marriage and suddenly he is alone. 

“I should have been kinder…” 

“I should have treated her better…” 

But then, looking back now I cannot imagine what “kinder” and “better” could he have done considering that he was such a kind, devoted, loving companion to his then-frail wife.

Of course, I know where he’s coming from. There will always be regrets. There will always be words that were left unsaid and intentions that were left undone. We can never have enough time to show enough love. 

How do you make the most of your time with your loved ones? How do you make each moment count? I wish I have the answers for him. But after 9 years of coping with my own loss, the same “regrets” still haunt me… 

“I should have…” 

“I could have…”

“Why didn’t I…???"

As I have painfully learned in my own journey, one never gets over grief. You just learn to get through it…

A pocketful of sunshine and 

Image credit: www.memorialize.com

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04 November 2013

Dona Nobis Pacem… A Reverie...

I blog for PEACE 
because I want my voice to be heard… 
no matter how small it is. 

I dream of a better world 
because I love my kids 
and I want them to feel secure
inside and outside of our home. 

I want to sleep peacefully 
each night knowing 
that tomorrow brings 
no threat or danger of any kind.

I long for the day 
where guns, bombs and 
all weapons of mass destruction
become a thing of the past. 

I imagine that day
where war and conflict are
replaced by compassion 
and understanding.

I can dream…
and I can make it happen...

Because it all begins with
One voice…
One subject…
One day...

© Bing Yap [PinkLady] 2013
All Rights Reserved

"You may say 
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one.
~ Imagine by John Lennon

A pocketful of sunshine and 
Thanks to Mimi Lenox for starting the phenomenal BlogBlast 4 Peace (the Peace Globe Movement). It is now an annual online event that has spread to 185 countries across the globe. Visit the BlogBlast4Peace Facebook Fan Page. Don’t forget to link your peace post and sign Mr. Linky here

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02 November 2013

Flowers to Show our Love

After the traditional visit at the cemetery on the 1st of November, my children and I proceeded to Sta. Ana Wharf. It was too late to get a small boat to take us out to sea. The waves were too strong.

As we walked to the shore, the sound of the waves filled the air of silence between us. Raging waters threatened to drench our feet but we were unmindful. We were there for a reason.

Each whispering a prayer for James, my children and I took turns throwing flowers and loose petals into the sea. We had a bag full of them, you see.

The wind roared loudly... The sky turned gloomy… The waves raged to shore… Perhaps heaven heard us.

Time may have eased the pain and helped us mend the broken pieces of our fragile lives but… We still cope with grief one day at a time until now… even after almost 9 long years.

A pocketful of sunshine

Image source: China Central Television

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"Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward to the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage and confidence." ~ Og Mandino

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